Monday, September 19, 2005


The fact that the price must be paid is proof that it is worth paying. -Lan Mandragoran

I remember the first time I visited the Korean War memorial. It is a rather eerie place with about a dozen or so statues of soldiers on patrol. I was just walking by not really paying attention when my eyes fell on these words next to the monument, “Freedom is not free.” I did not think much of it at the time but over the next few days I really began rolling this phrase around in my head. It was like an itch that I could not scratch until I realized that God was trying to say something to me through this monument.

Here in the States we enjoy more freedom that most people in this world can imagine, but we often forget that it came at a great price. We were hunted rebels and traitors before we were, “One nation under God.” Our freedom was bought with many lives and if we were honest, most days we don’t think twice about it.

I am wondering if we don’t transfer this ungratefulness into our walk with God as well. God has done more for us than this country ever will and for the most part…we take it for granted. We accept all the benefits of salvation but we never think twice about what it cost. As a consequence we have a religion that promises everything but expects nothing. We are not working out our salvation with fear and trembling, we expect others to do it for us. We claim and trust in heaven but we don’t work to make earth less like hell. This gift of God is free but it is not cheap.

We often confuse cost and freedom. The glorious freedom Christ offers us comes at a cost both to him and to ourselves. It is free but it must be worked for…I hope this does not sound to much like a contradiction. We have been crucified with Christ and the life we live in freedom is a life lived for Christ. We must remember that we are called to be disciples and followers of Christ before we are called to attend church; to live with and learn from God not just reap his benefits.

You guessed it another old Spotlight Article

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