Monday, February 26, 2007

Leaving Whiteford

After 2 years of ministry Lindsay and I have decided to submit my resignation to Whiteford Wesleyan Church. We have had a great experience and have made some great friends but we feel strongly that God has called us elsewhere. We are excited, scared, releaved, nervious and a host of other feelings but we have an undeniable peace about the whole thing. We are sure we are doing the right thing, we are just not sure what the next thing is.

Please pray for us:

Pay stops March 4th and the plan is to move in with Linds parents and work while seeking grad schools. This is really humbling and a blow to my overinflated sense of self worth. I love Ma and Pa Miller but moving in with parents sometimes feels like defeat. Pray that I can have a healthy attitude about it and that we can use this time to be refreshed and ready for where God leads us next.

We need direction and peace about the next step. We are 100% sure we need to leave Whiteford and move to SC but it gets pretty foggy after that. We need to be freed from the shackles of having to see 5 and 6 steps ahead and be ok with waiting for God to direct and speak in his time.

We are actively looking for graduate schools but cannot settle on a field of study. Do we both get a degree? What kind? How long? Sacred (MDiv, Counseling etc.) or Secular (Writing, Business, Film)? The list goes on and on.

Thanks for your prayers,

Justin and Lindsay


Barton Price said...

God bless the broken road that led straight to you. Love you guys.

pk said...

Sounds exciting!

Unknown said...

We need another update....where are you now and what are you guys up to!!:)

Brooks said...

I'm with the Freeds. Not literally, but with the desire to know what's up. Pray for a massive revival in my church and I'll give you guys a call for staff needs if you haven't found a place yet :)

My word verification is "copee". haha, pee.